
20 Hybrid Animals Created By Scientists You Won’t Believe Exist

The Humanzee

Credit: 20 Hybrid Animals Created By Scientists You Won’t Believe Exist

Credit: Wikipedia/Close up Portrait of Bonobo Cub on the mother’s back in the water. Natural habitat. Democratic Republic of Congo. Africa

A humanzee is a hypothetical hybrid between a human and a chimpanzee. Although there is no conclusive evidence that such a hybrid exists, there have been several attempts and claims to create one. The most famous case is that of Oliver, a chimpanzee that was said to have human-like features and behavior. He was later proven to be a normal chimp with a genetic disorder. However, some scientists still believe that a humanzee is possible and desirable, as it could shed light on human evolution and intelligence.

Check the next page for another Hybrid Animal Created By Scientists!